The Best Films Expanding And Changing Consciousness


There is an opinion that the cinematic value of a picture is measured by that. You can even review these films in the fifth part to see interesting new plots and to find details that are invisible at first glance.
Another Earth / Another Earth
The film “Another Earth” is not about the planet, about double or scattered mirrors. But they can’t.
Mind Games / A Beautiful Mind
It was a simple and sincere story. A story of painful choice. And all this without love.
Planet Ka-Pak / K-PAX
A mysterious alien from the planet K-PAX suddenly appears at a busy station. And dark glasses and a light smile of the observer are allocated from the crowd. And he travels with the help of energy enclosed in light rays. It is not surprising that his place of residence in New York is becoming a psychiatric hospital.
Dogville / Dogville
The film is about human nature. Rather, about the impossibility of changing the callous moral nature of man. The merciless film directed by Lars von Trier leaves no hope for any changes for the better.
Trans / Trans
This is a very specific, intriguing and high-quality movie, which expertly guides the audience for the entire time of the timing. The film will give you excellent acting, a bewitching visual range and a mesmerizing atmosphere.
Start / start
The film erases the fine line between sleep and reality. Do not waste time per second, mercilessly playing with our imagination.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide - and to go through jokes into a nearby village is no longer possible. Where can you escape from the planet! It remains to reconcile. Sit down in the open. We will all die, and we will die alone.
Peaceful Warrior Peaceful Warrior
A film that once again encourages living consciously and optimistically. You forgot about the infinitely beautiful world. At that moment, when everything happened, and it was in itself - a unique and amazing phenomenon.
Eternal Sunshine
When the sparkling romantic tragicomedy closer to the middle develops into a light “brain masturbation”, the atmospheric finale tries to the bones, which probably should be the appearance of a masterpiece.
Film Tarkovsky terrestrial. He is not about space, he is about people. The planet Solaris is not the subject of a story. In the end, admit your guilt. Confess to yourself. “Shame is the feeling that will save humanity,” says Chris.
Stay / Stay
A student named Henry, who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, comes to a psychologist and claims to have killed himself three days later, on Saturday, at midnight. So this story begins. Stories about languages.
Vanilla Sky
The film tells about true love. The most important thing in life. She represents herself. Do not forget that this film is originally an insidious puzzle of consciousness.
Awakening / Awakening
Incredibly strong movie. Strong and sad. This is exactly the movie that you need to watch in our time, where all the time, with you, wonders, magic and action. These are real people with their problems, worries and concerns. So many characters, moments, words in it!
Dead Man
The film is an allegory of completely hidden educated and characters. This is not a Western or even a drama, but a real philosophical parable about life and death. A magnificent rendering of each frame, an excellent soundtrack from Neil Young, which also creates a black-and-white image of a special atmosphere inherent only to “Dead Man”.
Man from the Earth Man from the Earth
This is all of those films that few people know about. This is a movie to watch in a homely atmosphere, preferably in the evening, after work or study. There are no special effects, there are not even the usual changes of scenery.
Full movie list
12 - It's time to realize and change
127 hours - Survive a hopeless situation
1 + 1 - Be an optimist
99 francs - Advertising is a big game for corporations
Avatar - You Can't Buy Real Life
August Rush - Around Us Music
Ali - Struggle for rights
American History X - Malice - Baggage Too Heavy
Angel A - Angels are always there
Baraka - The beauty of the world
Fight Club - Get rid of fears and empty bindings
Big Debaters - Be able to talk
Conversations with God - Belief in yourself and God
In the wild - Devote your life to yourself and your dream
In pursuit of happiness - At all costs, succeed for the sake of your children
Vanilla Sky - Reality Isn't Always Real
Spring, summer, autumn, winter ... and again spring - Calm
Time - Time is Money
Always say “Yes” - Every moment is an opportunity to change
Gandhi - Great man, great deeds
Guide - The story of a person’s journey to the saint level
City of Angels - Angels know how to love
Girl and fox - People and animals
Groundhog Day - Every Day You Can Change Your Life
Diary of Memory - Love Story
Home - The world around us is beautiful
Knockin 'on heaven - Fear is stupid, because you can die at any time
Spirit of the Times - Politics Today
If only - Chance to survive all over again
David Gale's Life - Going Against Politics
Life is beautiful - Belief in the future
Pay to another - give more, get more
Mind Games - Reality Is Not Real
Touching the Void - Willpower
Where Dreams Bring - Colors of the World
Love of Evil - The Inner and Outer Beauty of Man
The Matrix - What is Reality
Bear - Nature and animals
My name is Khan - Doing the Incredible for Love
Changing Reality - Your Future is in Your Hands
Changing Lane - Weave of Fate
Slumdog Millionaire - Road of Life
Peaceful Warrior - Life is Here and Now
On the crest of the wave - Everything has a price
The Invisible Side - Help
Invisible children - Our children
Caution! Doors close - Any act can change your life.
Island - Religion
Before the class - No obstacles will stop you before your dream
Planet Ka-Pak - Other Worlds
Shawshank Redemption - Always Remain Human
Catch Me If You Can - Find a Way Out of Any Situation
The Last Samurai - Warrior with Mind and Soul
Beautiful green - A different view of the world today
Powder - Not Like Everyone
Family Man - What is more important, work and love?
Your man - Go against corporations
Sweet November - Life is more than work
Social Network - Business in the Modern World
Lifeguard - Lifeguard Life
Route 60 - Listen to Your Heart
Trainer Carter - Training
Forrest Gump - Be Yourself
Hachiko: The most faithful friend - True friendship between man and dog
Braveheart - Striving for Freedom
Healer Adams - Treat Diseases with a Smile
Circus "Butterfly" - Everyone can be transformed
Che Guevara: The Diary of a Motorcyclist - Discover the World
Equilibrium - The importance of the senses
Erin Brockovich - At Any Cost to Reach the Goal

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