10 ways to manipulate people


1. Right view
There is a special look that makes people reckon with you, recognize you as a strong opponent at the subconscious level.
This view can be useful in any controversial situation when you want to state that you should be reckoned with and that you make decisions here.
It is necessary to look into the eyes, but not on the surface of the eye, but as if through it, looking into the soul. It turns a piercing look that declares your decisive mood. And people feel it.

2. Energy pause
To achieve what they want, people sometimes use the tactless question method surrounded by other people. In private, you would not hesitate to refuse to answer or answer negatively, but in public you are confused and can agree or answer so as not to seem greedy, secretive, and so on.
In order not to fall for this bait, you can use the energy pause method. You look into the eyes of a person as if you are about to answer. He is preparing to accept your answer, but you are not responding.
You keep looking at him, but don't say anything. He looks away, bewildered, and then you start talking about something else. After such an incident, he will no longer try to force you to respond in public.

3. Pause and encouragement
Sometimes people try to demand something, relying solely on the intensity of their demand. That is, a person in principle understands that his demand is unfounded, and you understand this.
Nevertheless, he actively and very emotionally demands something, hoping that you will give in, fearing a conflict. If you maintain his tone or start to object, the conflict will take place.
Instead, pause and encourage the person to continue the conversation in a friendly manner. Feeling support, a person will cease to get excited, will begin to speak more calmly.
But even after that, do not stop silence, nod and encourage him to speak further. A man will begin to explain, then - to justify himself, and finally apologize.

4. Eye protection
Of course, not only you and not only consciously apply some tricks. It happens that people unconsciously feel what to do in order to achieve what they want, and behave like that.
If you notice the gaze of the interlocutor, he may apply some kind of psychological impact to you, it does not matter, knowingly or not.
Remember: you do not have to play peepers with him, accepting the rules of his game. Look into his eyes, smile, making it clear that you noticed his eyes and you do not care, and look at other objects.

5. To overcome hostility
Life often confronts us with unpleasant people with whom we simply have to communicate and maintain good relations.
To maintain normal communication or to get something from this person, you really have to overcome the hostility towards him. And not just pulling a fake smile, but imbued with sympathy and kindness.
How to do this if you have a scandalous vile type?
Introduce him as a small child. If the child is behaving badly, then he is embittered, miserable or spoiled. In any case, the environment is to blame.
Basically, it's true, so you don’t even fool yourself. When you see this person as a child, you cannot be angry with him, and people always feel kindness and sympathy, and this disarms them.

6. Pressure
Many people put pressure on their employees, relatives, and friends to get what they want. What does it look like from the side: repeated repetition of the same requirements - sometimes soft, then harsh, then persistent and emotional, then unobtrusive.
The main goal of pressure is to deprive you of the hope that requests or demands can be avoided.
A man makes it clear to you that you simply cannot do it differently, he will stand his ground until the very end.
What can be done with this? It helps to call a spade a spade. For example, you can immediately ask a person: "Are you pushing me?" As a rule, a person is then lost. No less important is the ability to firmly say no.

7. The ability to say no
You must learn to say no, this is very useful in the fight against all kinds of manipulators, among which there may be not only intrusive partners, but also your friends or relatives.
You must learn to say that very word - "no." It doesn’t “fail”, or “I don’t know,” or “we’ll see,” namely, the solid “no.”
Of course, such a categorical refusal is not suitable in all cases, but in some situations it is necessary.

8. Do not explain your refusal
This is also a great skill that is acquired with experience. If you refused someone, said your firm “no”, manage to do without explanation, and even more so without excuse.
At the same time, you should not feel guilty that you refuse without explanation. People feel an internal mood, and if you hesitate within yourself, then they will get comments from you and maybe even persuade you.
And again, it is not always worth refusing without explanation, but there are times when it is necessary.

9. Position without evidence
In negotiations, evidence of correctness often plays a negative role. Rightness is a state that is transmitted at the level of sensations. You feel right, and other people agree with you.
If you start proving your position with arguments, it can destroy confidence in being right.
Let's say you give one argument, and your interlocutor refutes it. If after this you give the second argument, then you agree that the first was unsuccessful, and this is the loss of your position and unwavering faith in your rightness.

10. Commit a new role
If you enter into some new role - the department head, team captain or some other - you need to fix it immediately, indicating your authority. As soon as possible, do in the new role what you could not do in the former.
Give some order, make a decision, ask for an answer from subordinates and so on. The longer you drag on taking on a new role, the more your rights can be cut.

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