A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Europe (Peter Wilson H.).

"Сопровождающий восемнадцатый век в Европе" - книга, содержащая 31 эссе от ведущих международных ученых, которые дают общий обзор ключевых дискуссий о восемнадцатом веке в Европе. Рассматриваются социальные, интеллектуальные, экономические, культурные и политические изменения, произошедшие в Европе в течение восемнадцатого века. Книга фокусируется на Европе, одновременно помещая ее в международный контекст. Рассматриваются не только крупные западноевропейские государства, но и часто игнорируемые страны Восточной и Северной Европы.

This Companion contains 30 essays by authors from across the globe to offer an overview of eighteenth century European debates. It examines the society, intellect, economy, culture and politics that raged throughout the European continent in this age. The device of the volume is to contextualise the issues around Europe within greater international contexts. Instead of simply examining the state of affairs in predominant western states such as France, the British Commonwealth and Italy, it looks into often neglected regions of eastern, Nordic and northern countries as well. Seen in terms of concept and purpose, the book undertakes an important step forward in the professional reckoning with continental views of the period. The essays diminish some hasty generalisations and highlight the particular differences between regions. Who should we believe? The contributors show that the inhabitants of British itself were handicapped in understanding the events taking place so many miles above their heads as much as those from Holland who lived under the rule of King Pius. To read the lives, minds and passions of King Louis XV or his daughter Pelagie was altogether a different (and for the most part unfathomable) experience to that dealt with in British readings of Stuart Britain. There is no overarching thesis and most of the essays are quite sufficient in their own right as imports to understand eighteenth. In addition each essay contains bibliography right at the foot of itself in its respective chapter which makes them quite easy to get.


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A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Europe (Peter Wilson H.).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Автор: Peter Wilson H.
  • Категория: Историческая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781444303049