The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology (Группа авторов).

Книга “The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology” представляет собой энциклопедию позитивной психологии и является всесторонним и доступным описанием этой растущей области науки и практики. В книге 288 специально написанных статей, написанных 150 ведущими международными исследователями, преподавателями и практиками в области позитивной психологии, охватывают темы, представляющие интерес для всех социальных наук, а также бизнеса и промышленности. Это наиболее современное, полное и доступное изложение предмета, предлагающее тематический справочник, который проясняет основные конструкции и процессы, связанные с позитивной психологией, и будет полезен студентам, учителям, практикам, бизнесменам и политикам.

The Encyclopedia ofPositive Psychology is an invaluable refernce for everyone fascinated by the increasingly popular areas of positive psychology and emotional intelligence. Everyone, from students, through readers seeking intellectual enlightenment or general knowledge on the subject, to professionals and policy-makers, will find something here to benefit their understanding. A superb volume both for the newly interested in the subject and as a reference work, the book manages grab attention with its clear, well-crafted text that includes numerous summaries, definitions, histories on key issues, as well as illustrative quotations and insightful analyses from distinguished experts. High quality, stimulating reading that appeals to a wide audience, including academics, researchers and graduate students who are pursuing degrees in psychology or related disciplines; white-collar professionals who require professional development in the realm of mediation, conflict transformation, leadership and career development; and anyone who'd like to enliven their learning experience with a practical overview of excellence, efficiency and subjective wellbeing.

This complete portrait of positive psychology can help you make informed decisions in your day-to-day life The world has never been more obsessed with the so-called key to happiness. But just because humans desire to improve their mental health doesn't mean it's easy. And different factions may disagree about what the ideal route to happiness is. Does optimism, as championed by happiness researchers of recent decades, directly increase long-term indicators of well-being like quality of life, social satisfaction, or successful relationships? Or should a balanced approach, according to "hard science" psychologists, yield better outcomes? In most instances исследований students and graduates entering the workforce and increasingly keen to understand the latest research, find themselves in a noisy intellectual landscape. Seeking to parse the evidence that might help them Position themselves, those learners could choose (a) Reading the academic literature in depth, which might be challenging and time-consuming. Or (b) consulting one of the many popular books out now, foraging for graspable summaries safe-ish analyses When their search for conceptual clarity and practical application costs them not only their sanity, but also valuable time, this book aims to address that problem.


#общая психология

The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology (Группа авторов).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology
  • Автор: Группа авторов
  • Категория: Общая психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781444306019